School Corporal Punishment References3


Alcester Grammar School
Anthea Yes I remember Eric Davison he was head the whole time I was there from 61 – 68 – yes he was a bit eerie; he used to cane all the naughty boys every lunchtime from a queue outside his room – the girls got the slipper from Miss Webley who was deputy head.

Alexandra High Tipton
yes i did have the cane about 4 times always distributed by mrs robb god it hurt but it aint done me no harm !!

Alderman Leach Gorleston
most of the teachers were pretty lord was very good maths teacher .remember mrs willis storming up to top of playing field trying to catch those who were smoking.mrs french gave me the slipper 2 days after starting school for fighting

Archway Sec Mod London
I hated it there as we got the cane